ISO 20022.Suite

ISO20022.Suite is a powerful dotnet library with multiple features to support your ISO 20022 messages. It has been designed to streamline your financial messaging processes with our efficient and reliable solution.


  • Parse the ISO 20022 XML Message with pre-defined rules
  • Convert ISO20022 XSD to ngx-iso-form compaitible JSON.
  • Convert ngx-iso-form output JSON to ISO 20022 Message.


dotnet add package ISO20022.Suite
Install-Package ISO20022.Suite

Extract Information from ISO 20022 Messages

ISO20022.Suite library help to parse or extract all the detailed information from the ISO20022 message based on predefined parsing rules.

                                    using System.Data;
                                    using ISO20022.Parser;
                                    public class Program
                                        private static async Task Main(string[] args)
                                            IParsingService parsingService = new ParsingService(new ParsingJsonRules(@"data\parsing_rules.json"), "Document");
                                            await parsingService.ParseXmlAsync(@"data\camt.053.xml", (DataSet ds, Guid messageUniqueId, Guid uniquiId) =>
                                              //DataSet ds: camt.053.xml will have multiple messages in a file and this dataset will have the parsed data of the given message. Each message parsed will be callbacked over here for the further process.
                                               // messageUniqueId :  As camt.053 will have multiple message, each message will identified with the given messageUniqueId. 
                                               // uniqueId: this id is represent the unique file Id. Meaning each passed file has been represent by the given Id. 
                                                Task task = Task.Run(() =>
                                                    // either we can transform to CSV/Excel or transfered to DB using bulk DB operation
                                                    string dateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddmmyyyyHHmmssfff");
                                                    foreach(DataTable dt in ds.Tables)
                                                        ExportDataTableToCsv(dt, @$"export\{messageUniqueId}_{dt.TableName}_{uniquiId}.csv");
                                                return task;
                                        static void ExportDataTableToCsv(DataTable dataTable, string filePath)
                                            if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                                            // Create a StreamWriter to write to the CSV file
                                            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath))
                                                // Write the header row with column names
                                                foreach (DataColumn column in dataTable.Columns)
                                                writer.WriteLine(); // Move to the next line
                                                // Write the data rows
                                                foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows)
                                                    foreach (object item in row.ItemArray)
                                                    writer.WriteLine(); // Move to the next line
Parsing Rules

Please follow the Parsing Rules example given in the data directory of the repository. Mapping Rules should follow below model class structure

                                    public class MappingRules
                                        public string Namespace { get; set; }
                                        public List Mappings { get; set; }

                                    public class MappingTable
                                        public string NodeName { get; set; }
                                        public string XPath { get; set; }
                                        public IList Columns { get; set;}

                                    public class MappingColumn
                                        public int OrderNumber { get; set; }
                                        public string NodeName { get; set; }
                                        public string XPath { get; set; }
                                        public string DataType { get; set; }
                                        public int MinLength { get; set; }
                                        public int MaxLength { get; set; }
                                        public int fractionDigits { get; set; }
                                        public int totalDigits { get; set; }
Override the Parsing Rules

The given example is in json file. Suppose you want to store Parsing rules in Database. Now you need to override the ParsingRules class method DeserializeRules.

                                    public class ParsingDatabaseRules : ParsingRules
                                        public override void DeserializeRules()
                                        //MapParsingRules is of type IList?
                                            MapParsingRules = GetMyRulesFromDB();

Convert ISO 20022 XSD to JSON

                                    using ISO20022.XSD;
                                    string xsdFileName = "camt.053.001.10.xsd";
                                    var fileInfo = new FileInfo(xsdFileName);
                                    if (File.Exists(fileName) && fileInfo.Extension.Equals(".xsd"))
                                        XsdToJson xsdLib = new(fileName);
                                        File.AppendAllText(fileInfo.FullName.Replace(".xsd", ".json"), xsdLib.SchemaJson);
JSON Schema
                                        "namespace": "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.10",
                                        "schemaElement": {
                                            "id": "Document",
                                            "name": "Document",
                                            "dataType": null,
                                            "minOccurs": "1",
                                            "maxOccurs": null,
                                            "minLength": null,
                                            "maxLength": null,
                                            "pattern": null,
                                            "fractionDigits": null,
                                            "totalDigits": null,
                                            "minInclusive": null,
                                            "maxInclusive": null,
                                            "values": null,
                                            "isCurrency": false,
                                            "xpath": "Document",

Convert JSON to ISO 20022 Message

NOTE: JSON here is the output of ngx-iso-form angular component
                            using ISO20022.Suite;
                            string targetNamespace = "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.10";
                            string jsonData = File.ReadAllText(@jsonPath);
                            string xsdContent = File.ReadAllText(@xsdFilePath);
                            XElement xml = MxMessage.Create(jsonData, targetNamespace) ?? throw new Exception("Conversion failed");
                            if (MxMessage.ValidateMXMessage(xsdContent, xml.ToString(), out string validationMessage))
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationMessage))
ngx-iso-form JSON Output
                                        "Document": {
                                            "Document_BkToCstmrStmt": {
                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr": {
                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_MsgId": "235549650",
                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_CreDtTm": "2023-10-05T14:43:51.979",
                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_MsgRcpt": {
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_MsgRcpt_Nm": "Test Client Ltd.",
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_MsgRcpt_Id": {
                                                            "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_MsgRcpt_Id_OrgId": {
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_MsgRcpt_Id_OrgId_Othr": [
                                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_MsgRcpt_Id_OrgId_Othr_Id": "test001"
                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_AddtlInf": "AddTInf"
                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt": [
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Id": "258158850",
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_ElctrncSeqNb": "1",
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_LglSeqNb": "1",
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_CreDtTm": "2023-10-05T14:43:52.098",
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_FrToDt": {
                                                            "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_FrToDt_FrDtTm": "2023-09-30T20:00:00.000",
                                                            "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_FrToDt_ToDtTm": "2023-10-01T19:59:59.000"
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct": {
                                                            "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct_Tp": {
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct_Tp_Prtry": "IBDA_DDA"
                                                            "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct_Ccy": "USD",
                                                            "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct_Nm": "Sample Name 123",
                                                            "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct_Svcr": {
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct_Svcr_FinInstnId": {
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct_Svcr_FinInstnId_BICFI": "GSCRUS30",
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Acct_Svcr_FinInstnId_Nm": "Goldman Sachs Bank"
                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal": [
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Tp": {
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Tp_CdOrPrtry": {
                                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Tp_CdOrPrtry_Cd": "OPBD"
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Amt": {
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Amt_Ccy": "USD",
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Amt_Amt": "843686.20"
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_CdtDbtInd": "DBIT",
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Dt": {
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Dt_DtTm": "2023-09-30T20:00:00.000"
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Tp": {
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Tp_CdOrPrtry": {
                                                                        "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Tp_CdOrPrtry_Cd": "CLAV"
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Amt": {
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Amt_Ccy": "USD",
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Amt_Amt": "334432401.27"
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_CdtDbtInd": "CRDT",
                                                                "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Dt": {
                                                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_Stmt_Bal_Dt_DtTm": "2023-10-01T23:59:00.000Z"
                                    <Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.10">
                                              <Nm>Test Client Ltd.</Nm>
                                              <Nm>Sample Name 123</Nm>
                                                  <Nm>Goldman Sachs Bank</Nm>
                                              <Amt Ccy="USD">843686.20</Amt>
                                              <Amt Ccy="USD">334432401.27</Amt>