Introducing the Swift MT to JSON Converter for .NET – a powerful library designed to effortlessly transform complex Swift MT messages into structured JSON format. Built for .NET developers, this library streamlines the integration of financial messaging data into modern applications, enabling faster processing, better readability, and seamless data handling. Whether you're working on financial systems, compliance tools, or data analytics platforms, this library is your key to bridging traditional Swift MT standards with modern JSON workflows. Simplify your development and enhance your financial data management today!


  • Convert Swift MT to JSON message
  • Set custom parsing rules

Upcoming Features

  • Convert MT to MX message with mapping rules
Swift MT Message
                            JOHN DOE
                            123 MAIN STREET
                            NEW YORK, NY 10001, USA
                            JANE DOE
                            456 OAK STREET
                            LOS ANGELES, CA 90001, USA
                            :70:/INV/123456 PURCHASE ORDER 78910
                            :72:/BNF/PLEASE CONFIRM UPON RECEIPT
Swift MT Json Message
                                "BasicHeader": {
                                  "MessageType": "F01",
                                  "SenderBIC": "BANKBEBB"
                                "ApplicationHeader": {
                                  "MessageIndicator": "Output",
                                  "MessageType": "103",
                                  "ReceiverBIC": "15001004",
                                  "MessagePriority": "Urgent"
                                "UserHeader": {
                                  "MessageUserReference": "ILOVEFUNDSTRANSFER"
                                "MessageDetails": {
                                  "Fields": {
                                    "TransactionReferenceNumber": "1234567890123456",
                                    "BankOperationCode": "CRED",
                                    "ValueDate": "17-09-2024",
                                    "Currency": "USD",
                                    "InterbankSettled": "100000,00"
                                "Message": "{1:F01BANKBEBBAXXX1234567890}{2:O1031500100417BANKUS33XXXX22221234561004171500N}{3:{108:ILOVEFUNDSTRANSFER}}{4:\r\n:20:1234567890123456\r\n:23B:CRED\r\n:32A:240917USD100000,00\r\n:33B:USD100000,00\r\n:50K:/12345678\r\nJOHN DOE\r\n123 MAIN STREET\r\nNEW YORK, NY 10001, USA\r\n:52A:BANKBEBBXXX\r\n:53A:BANKDEFFXXX\r\n:57A:BANKUS33XXX\r\n:59:/9876543210\r\nJANE DOE\r\n456 OAK STREET\r\nLOS ANGELES, CA 90001, USA\r\n:70:/INV/123456 PURCHASE ORDER 78910\r\n:71A:OUR\r\n:72:/BNF/PLEASE CONFIRM UPON RECEIPT\r\n:77B:/NOTFORFINANCIALADVICE\r\n-}\r\n"
Parsing Rules
Note: In absence of rules, it parse all the Message Fields
                                "20": {
                                  "Name": "TransactionReferenceNumber"
                                "23B": {
                                  "Name": "BankOperationCode"
                                "32A": {
                                  "Fields": [
                                      "Name": "ValueDate",
                                      "FormatDate": "dd/MM/yyyy",
                                      "SubString": {
                                        "From": 0,
                                        "To": 6
                                      "Name": "Currency",
                                      "SubString": {
                                        "From": 6,
                                        "To": 3
                                      "Name": "InterbankSettled",
                                      "SubString": {
                                        "From": 9,
                                        "To": -1 // -1 to parse from position 9 to end