
'ngx-iso-form' is an Angular UI library that facilitates the creation and validation of ISO 20022 forms. It utilities xsd-json-converter or XSDService output json as a input and build a dynamic Angular user interface for ISO 20022 message input. In an Angular application, you can use the ngx-iso-form library to create user interfaces for ISO 20022 message input. This library provides pre-built form components that adhere to the ISO 20022 standards.


  • Automatic forms generation
  • Easy to extend with custom field types
  • Supports ISO 20022 schemas:
    • XSD - JSON Schema using XSDService nuget
    • Support all validation like required, pattern, minlength, maxlength
    • Support translation labels, errors and date formats.
    • Built on top of Angular Reactive Forms

Live DEMO StackBlitz Demo

NOTE: The library don't support direct execution of XSD and user need to convert XSD to JSON using xsd-json-converter npm package component OR ISO20022.Suite

How to consume

ng add @angular/material
npm i ngx-iso-form

Import Module & SCSS

                            import { NgxIsoFormModule } from 'ngx-iso-form';
import { HttpClient, provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

  imports: [
      defaultLanguage: 'en',
      loader: {
        provide: TranslateLoader,
        useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
        deps: [HttpClient]

export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient) {
  return new TranslateHttpLoader(http, '/i18n/', '.json');
Parsing Rules

Please follow the Parsing Rules example given in the data directory of the repository. Mapping Rules should follow below model class structure

                            public class MappingRules
                                public string Namespace { get; set; }
                                public List Mappings { get; set; }

                            public class MappingTable
                                public string NodeName { get; set; }
                                public string XPath { get; set; }
                                public IList Columns { get; set;}

                            public class MappingColumn
                                public int OrderNumber { get; set; }
                                public string NodeName { get; set; }
                                public string XPath { get; set; }
                                public string DataType { get; set; }
                                public int MinLength { get; set; }
                                public int MaxLength { get; set; }
                                public int fractionDigits { get; set; }
                                public int totalDigits { get; set; }
Add style file to angular.json file
                            export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
                                @ViewChild('isoForm') isoForm: NgxIsoFormComponent;

                                form: IsoForm;
                                schema: SchemaElement;
                                // exclude the MsgId field from loading.
                                excludes:string[] = ['Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_MsgId'];

                                this.httpClient.get(sample).subscribe((data) => {
                                    this.schema = data as SchemaElement
                                this.httpClient.get(sampleLoad).subscribe((model) => {
                                    this.form = new IsoForm(model)
                                //To get the form object
                                get model():string {
                                    const data = this.isoForm.model;
                                    this.formData = JSON.stringify(data)

                                //To get the form validation status
                                get invalid():boolean {
                                    return this.isoForm.invalid;
Add component to view
                            <ngx-iso-form [schema]="schema" [form]="form"></ngx-iso-form>
Note: `excludes` (optional) takes string[] and excludes all the mentioned Ids from the form. It will help you to minimize the form and include only the required fields or sections for your business requirements.
Support JSON Schema
                            export interface SchemaElement {
                                id: string;
                                name: string;
                                dataType: string;
                                minOccurs: string;
                                maxOccurs: string;
                                minLength: string;
                                maxLength: string;
                                pattern: string;
                                fractionDigits: string;
                                totalDigits: string;
                                minInclusive: string;
                                maxInclusive: string;
                                values: string[];
                                isCurrency: boolean;
                                xpath: string;
                                elements: SchemaElement[];
Translation Support
It support name and id properties of the SchemaElement Please declare all your translation rules under 'iso' object.
                                "iso": {
                                    "BkToCstmrStmt": {
                                        "label": "Bank To Customer Statement"
                                        "label": "Group Header"
                                    "Document_BkToCstmrStmt_GrpHdr_CreDtTm": {
                                        "label": "Create Datetime",
                                         "error": {
                                            "required":"This field is required"